Electronic Medical Record

Electronic Medical Record

The configurable tool designed to easily collect, order and manage all the information relating to patients and their treatment plan.

Klinika ensures an integrated management of all patient health data and full customisation to make it more convenient to use for healthcare personnel.

Plus, Klinika only provides the best support to oversee the patient's treatment plan from start to finish: from when you meet them in the practice and throughout the whole pre-admission preparation period, enabling all healthcare professionals involved to have integrated access to all the healthcare information and thereby also providing the best possible service to all patients.


  • Full, reliable support throughout the patient’s treatment plan, even outside the ward;
  • Compatible for use on mobile devices, so that the solution can also be used on a mobile phone;
  • Fully configurable solution based on the needs of each ward;
  • Plenty of medical records already prepared and filled in;
  • Assisted medication prescription and safe administration;
  • Guaranteed security and confidentiality with digital signatures and record versioning;
  • Can be easily integrated with third-party software and medical tools.

All the features of
Electronic Medical Record

Full Control over All Patients

Effectively control and manage all patient data.

Klinika is the fast and efficient solution to access patient data through a full control room, i.e. a single page with key information on inpatients.

Clinical Course and Diaries

Analyse patient health trends thoroughly and efficiently.

Easily viewing and analysing patient clinical trends with a customisable approach is simple with Klinika. This lets you have a constantly updated picture of the situation of inpatients.

Medication Prescription and Administration

Streamlined medication prescription and administration management for patients.

Accurate and streamlined medication prescription management thanks to the matching system between the medication database and the warehouse, making things easier for medical personnel. Plus, with the Klinika solution you can track all medication administrations and help doctors define a better case history of patients.

Medical Reports and Multimedia Attachments

View all patient reports in a single folder.

With Klinika, you can access all medical reports because of the integration with other departmental software, meaning you can also take pictures of patients and scan enclosed documents, even with mobile devices.

Task Planning and Reporting

Plan all ward activities with a constantly updated worklist.

With Klinika’s medical record module, you can quickly and easily set up the whole schedule and generate a constantly updated worklist for the ward.

Order Entry and Consultant Reports

Easily monitor all requests made to other departments and resulting medical reports.

Quickly and easily monitor the progress of the flow of requests towards other departments directly from the medical record – and the same applies to medical reports – to guarantee a full and updated picture of patients.

Discharge and Closure of Medical Records

Fast discharge and closure of documentation... in just a click!

Patient discharge is extremely easy and fast with Klinika. All patient hospitalisation documents are collected automatically and discharge letters are swiftly prepared in just a few clicks.

Authorised Access

Manage accesses and authorisations to data and protect your healthcare facility.

Klinika is the secure and convenient solution to limit authorised access for groups of users based on visibility by role, ward, area and staff.

Fully Configurable

Customise medical records to suit your needs and ensure streamlined management with healthcare professionals.

Optimise your medical record based on activities in the ward. This will also result in improved management among all healthcare professionals thanks to full digitalisation.

Flexible Medical Records

Customise your medical records to suit your needs and make them easier to display for everyone.

Klinika has a graphics editor to customise medical records and make them clearer and ensure they can be shared with all the healthcare professionals involved.

Digital Signature

Swiftly and securely record all tasks with a digital signature.

Record all tasks and data in full, quickly and securely by using a digital signature, either qualified or simple or with a timestamp.

Track Changes

Tracks any changes to task records.

Don’t lose anything related to data and tasks for the medical facility: all changes to records are tracked with full and secure versioning.

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